Stupid Questions Everyone Ask When A Girl Starts Wearing A Hijab .

It is a very big decision to start wearing a hijab. People do a double take at your new appearance. They are bursting with curiosity and hundreds of unanswered questions. While some questions are reasonable, some are just plain stupid.
Here are some of the stupid questions everyone ask when a girl starts wearing a hijab.

1. Did your parents force you to wear it?

1. Did your parents force you to wear it?

2. Are you coming back from Umrah/Hajj?

2. Are you coming back from Umrah/Hajj?

3. Did you get engaged? Is your husband-to-be very religious?

3. Did you get engaged? Is your husband-to-be very religious?

4. Are you getting bald? Do you have any hair left underneath?

4. Are you getting bald? Do you have any hair left underneath?

5. Will you wear it forever? Like, forever forever?

5. Will you wear it forever? Like, forever forever?

6. Don’t you feel suffocated? How do you breathe in that thing? Do you need help?

6. Don't you feel suffocated? How do you breathe in that thing?

7. Are you super-religious now? Have you joined a tableeghi jamaat?

7. Are you super-religious now? Have you joined a tableeghi jamaat?

8. Did you just have a break-up, or did someone give you the shock of your life?

8. Did you just have a break-up, or did someone give you the shock of your life?

9. Can you show the front hair line a little? It looks way better that way.

9. Can you show the front hair line a little? It looks way better that way.

10. Do you even shampoo your hair now since nobody gets to see it?

10. Do you even shampoo your hair now since nobody gets to see it?

10. Do you even shampoo your hair now since nobody gets to see it?

11. Will you start to give YouTube tutorials now?

11. Will you start to give YouTube tutorials now?

12. Is there Voldemort living at the back of your head?

12. Is there Voldemort living at the back of your head?
Have you been asked any stupid questions? Let us know!
12 Stupid Questions Pakistanis Ask When A Girl Starts Wearing A Hijab
Stupid Questions Everyone Ask When A Girl Starts Wearing A Hijab . Stupid Questions Everyone Ask When A Girl Starts Wearing A Hijab . Reviewed by Unknown on 06:09 Rating: 5

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